Understanding Treatments Used For Interstitial Cystitis
If you have a problem with frequent urination and an urge to use the bathroom that is more intense than it is used to be, then you may think that this is completely caused by your age. While aging can be related to urge incontinence issues, a much more serious problem may be to blame. This is true if you feel pain and soreness when urinating or if discomfort arises in the abdomen or pelvic area. The issue may be something called interstitial cystitis. Keep reading to learn about a few treatments for this disorder:
Oral Medicines
As with most disorders and ailments, oral medications can be prescribed to treat interstitial cystitis. However, you should know that medicines will often only control the disorder and they may not be effective in cases of severe interstitial cystitis. A few medicines that may be prescribed include NSAID pain relievers for discomfort. Also, certain antidepressants can be used to block pain signals and the medications can also relax the bladder to reduce urge incontinent issues and frequent urination problems. Certain antihistamines can also help to reduce the feeling that you need to urinate often.
There is one other medication that works to treat interstitial cystitis and it is approved by the FDA. However, it is not immediately clear how the drug works to reduce symptoms. The medicine is called pentosan polysulfate sodium and researchers believe that the drug restores the lining inside the bladder that helps to protect it from acids and wastes from irritating the cells that line the organ. While the medicine can work well for your bladder disorder, it can cause some diarrhea issues. Make sure to speak with your physician about this if you experience any side effects.
Surgical Treatments
Interstitial cystitis can worsen over time, but the ailment will rarely progress to the point that surgical removal of the bladder is necessary. While this is true, there are several surgical options available to treat the disease. One of the least invasive options is called fulguration and involves the insertion of tools through the urethra. The thin instruments work to burn off the ulcers inside the bladder that cause pain and inflammation. The same sort of minimally invasive technique may be used when a resection procedure is performed where cuts are made around ulcers that have formed in the bladder.
Another surgical operation involves increasing the size of the bladder. This procedure is referred to as augmentation. The onset of interstitial cystitis may be caused by the reduction in the size of the bladder and this procedure helps to open up the organ so that more urine can be held inside of it.