Women's Health: Key Questions And Answers
All women naturally want to stay healthy and vital for as long as they can. Health problems, however, will inevitably crop up every now and then. Some health issues are not relevant to an individual's gender, but there are other medical problems where gender is extremely important. This article examines some crucial questions regarding women's health.
What Is the Best Way to Lose Weight?
Research shows that women have a more difficult time losing weight than men, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Among the reasons for this disparity are that women have a different metabolism than men, issues with pregnancy and menopause, and a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome.
The Cleveland Clinic advises that women who desire to lose weight should focus on increasing their muscle mass because this makes it easier for women to burn calories. Women wanting to lose weight will also benefit from eating a healthy diet, such as the Mediterranean diet, that will provide them with balanced meals. Patience is essential when it comes to losing weight.
What About Vitamins and Minerals?
Women need certain vitamins and minerals to remain healthy and in certain cases, their needs are different from men's. For example, women's and men's nutrient needs are dramatically different during a woman's pregnancy, menopause, and when breastfeeding.
Pregnant women need a larger amount of folic acid than normal to make sure that their fetus remains healthy. Women also need more calcium during menopause and afterward. Women generally have a greater need for iron than men. This is especially true when they are of childbearing age.
Do Women Get More Urinary Tract Infections?
Women get more urinary tract infections (UTIs) than men. One reason is that a woman's anatomy makes it easier for bacteria from the intestine to get inside the bladder. Doctors recommend that women wipe from front to back when using the toilet to avoid this issue. Also, women with diabetes are at a higher risk of getting a UTI, as their condition makes it more difficult for their bodies to eliminate an infection.
Women who suspect that they have a UTI should visit their healthcare provider immediately to avoid any possible complications.
Women's health care is a field of medicine that deals with the specific health needs of women, which are often quite different from the health needs of men. To learn more, consult a women's health specialist. For more information on women's health, contact a company near you.